After Dinner Conversation Philosophy
From the Editor
As I read the stories and drafted questions for this issue, I realized there were a lot of stories about starting over, becoming a new person, or coming to terms with the pain of your failings.
This, like every issue, rightly causes reflection. I recently saw an interview by Stephen Colbert who said, “It is a gift to exist, and with existence comes suffering. There is no escaping that… if you are grateful for your life… then you have to be grateful for all of it.”
In several of the stories in this issue, I wish I could give the character a hug and tell them, “This too, is the beauty of being alive.” Maybe that’s all I wish I could tell anyone struggling with life. Sometimes, I wish others reminded me this as well.
As you read the stories in this issue, I would encourage you to do the same. Ask yourself what you would want to tell the characters struggling in the stories. And then, perhaps, actually tell the people you know and love in need of support.
In the worst transition ever, I should also mention we have begun repackaging our stories into themed books. Ten stories sharing an ethical topic. Our first themed book wills be on technology ethics. Our goal is to release nine this year; available in online stores, our website, and ordered from your local bookstore. Perfect for classrooms. Oh, and we have started doing short story lesson plans too…
Kolby Granville – Editor